What If Your Son Likes Playing With Dolls?

If your son likes playing with dolls, would you let him? This has been an on going debate in our home for a while now.


There was a time when O would play with his sister’s dolls. His Dad didn’t like it, and neither did Grandma. In fact, whenever they would see him with a doll, they’d take it away and tell him, “That’s not yours.”

I’ll admit he didn’t have much of a choice because most, if not all of the toys laying around the house belonged to Princess. So when birthdays and holidays came around we over compensated by showering him with legos, cars and other toys for “boys.”

For the record, I’m not one for gender specific toys. I think that kids should play with whatever toy they like playing with. Whether boys playing with dolls or girls playing with superheroes, it really doesn’t matter to me. Believe it or not, it actually teaches some pretty important lessons.

While little girls can learn about strength and confidence with superheroes, boys are taught how to become gentle and nurturing with dolls. It’s amazing to watch our little guy taking care of his sister’s baby dolls.

Another important reason why boys playing with dolls isn’t such a bad thing is that it’s a great way to introduce them to a new sibling. Let’s face it; kids don’t always receive new babies well.

Even though Princess loves her little brother, there were times when she was a bit too rough. We were able to teach her about her delicate baby brother by demonstrating with a baby doll.


Unfortunately, I’m the odd one out when it comes to boys and dolls. But oddly enough, my mom bought O a ken doll for Christmas last year, despite her initial concerns about him playing with dolls. Needless to say, I was pretty shocked.

However, my hubby hasn’t changed his stance on the issue. In our recent couples chat, he was fired up as we debated whether or not boys should be allowed to play with dolls. Take a listen and let us know what you think. Don’t forget to give this video a thumbs up and subscribe to Weather Anchor Mama on Youtube.

What If Your Son Likes Playing With Dolls? Would you let him?


The Network Niche