Imagine raising your child sexless. Sounds weird, right? But, a family living in Toronto, Canada has decided to keep the gender of their four month old baby under wraps. A recent article in USA Today, “Couple’s Gender Secret For Baby Touches of Debate,” explains that a family chose to go against society’s standard differentiation of boy versus girl. Instead, they rather the baby make the decision of which role to take on later in life.
Can you raise your child without a specific gender? Would you leave both gender boxes blank on the birth certificate? This is definitely a topic that is worth debating.
When my baby girl was born, I didn’t think twice about checking off female. But much to my dismay, I was shocked when the official birth certificate came back with the box marked “male” was checked off. I immediately sent it back to have the village office fix the mistake. When I came across the article about the parents choosing not to make their baby’s gender known, I have to admit I was left scratching my head. In fact, I was also a bit angry. The parents wrote to the Associate Press, “the whole world must know what is between the baby’s legs is unhealthy, unsafe and voyeuristic. We know — and we’re keeping it clean, safe, healthy and private (not secret!).” This statement sounds a bit crazy, if you ask me. Would this infant grow up confused? Would he/she feel left out? I’d say yes!
Oh, did I mention that they plan to home school this child! I’ve never been one to tell people how to raise their children. So, I won’t start now. But, I wish them well. I can only be concerned about my little Princess. She doesn’t have much hair to support cute girlie clips and bows. But, I do dress her up in fun feminine hats every chance I get.
Would You Raise Your Child Sexless?
When I was pregnant with her, my hubby and I didn’t want to know what we were having. We loved the element of surprise. Now that she’s here, I never hesitate to put her in girlie dresses. She’s a girl for goodness sake! I would never withhold that kind of information from anyone. I tell her everyday that she is a beautiful baby girl and I’m sure she’ll grow up to be a beautiful woman. One that I’ll be proud of, for sure!

looks like these people in Toronto are trying to push a new form of child abuse. Your daughter is beautiful !!
That sounds a bit overboard, babies have had known genders for well, ever and it never hurt anyone. They are right and wrong to home school, it protects the child from ridicule, but he/she will be that much more awkward later in life. And your babygirl is adorable by the way.
Thanks Tara! Thanks for stopping by too!