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Sleep Conundrums


I always knew that having a baby meant giving up a lot.  My hubby and I have restructured our lives ever since our little Princess came into the world.  It’s something we do willingly because we want to be there for our baby girl.   We may happily decline an invite to a social event just so we can spend time with her.  But, the one thing I must say we reluctantly give up is sleep.  For the first few months, it was a nightmare which is typical.  I don’t think I got more than a couple of hours of sleep a night while on maternity leave.  By the time I was ready to head back to work her sleeping habits improved tremendously.  People would ask me all the time if she slept through the night and I’d say “yep.”  Everyone was so shocked!  I thought I was blessed to have a baby who didn’t wake up in the middle of the night.  Then teething started.  Need I say more?

She went from sleeping through the night to not lasting two hours without waking up.  I could rip my hair out!  I’ve blogged about her teething conundrums before.  I actually think that old school remedy might have worked.  But, now she refuses to sleep through the night.  She fights to sleep both at night and day. When she finally gives in, she nods off everywhere except the crib.  It’s quite comical, but walking around like a zombie at work isn’t. For expert solutions that address your baby’s sleep challenges, you should consult the experts from
I know it’s only temporary and it will get better.  But, jeez louise…
She sleeps in her bassinet for an hour tops.
Sometimes going ol’ school with barriers around her does the trick.
She sometimes dozes off in her highchair after eating.
When I’m not in bed with her, she’d rather sleep in her carrier.


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