When I was pregnant, I did and said things that may have given off the vibe that I was a total space cadet. Some may refer to it as “Mommy Brain.” It’s said that expectant moms go through a stage of forgetfulness during their pregnancy which should improve after birth. One journalist even wrote a book about how motherhood improves our memory. It seems like my brain is still having a bit of trouble retaining information. Like any other weekday, I woke up and got my little one ready for daycare. It was Pirates and Princess day, so I dressed her in this cute ensemble she got from her Godmama Tiff. Despite early morning rain, sunny and warm weather took over in the afternoon. So, I couldn’t pass up taking a quick pic.
Before heading off to work, I dropped my little Princess off at daycare. I was running a little behind because of our impromptu mini photo shoot. I made it in to work with a couple of minutes to spare. I did the usual afternoon greeting, put my bags down, and placed my lunch in the refrigerator. Just as I got ready to sit down and log into my computer someone said, “Stacy-Ann, your not supposed to be hear, you have a day off.” I said, “Word?” I couldn’t believe it! I had no idea I had a scheduled day off! What was I thinking? I guess I wasn’t really thinking because I’ve had so much on my mind these last few days. I didn’t want it to be a total waist of a day, so I decided to stop by my hubby’s job which is only like five minutes away. I figured I could stop by for a little while and leave before rush hour. I must have been there about 45 minutes, when someone shouted, “It’s raining!” I looked outside and it was raining cats and dogs with thunder and lightning to go along with it. It was coming down so hard that the umbrella my hubby was holding over our heads did absolutely nothing to keep us dry. I would have taken a pic of us, but my iphone would have drowned!
By the grace of God I found the expressway and headed toward home. On my way, I noticed that some highways were transformed into streams and were almost impassable. I arrived at my daughter’s daycare within 2 hours. Then reached my front door about a half hour later. It took me more than twice the normal commute time, not including picking up my little one. What an insane day! I took this video clip while waiting at a red light. Princess didn’t seem phased by this wicked weather because she fell asleep. You can hear thunder and see lightning in this clip. It was pretty intense.
I suffer from the “Mommy Brain” every single day so you’re not alone! Your little one is super cute btw!
I’m 5 months pregnant and I always feel like a chicken walking around with my head cut off – everything confuses me, I can’t remember anything – I’m just always lost lol.
PS: Your little one is gorgeous!!!
Who in the world said that ‘mommy brain improves’? Ever?! LOL My friends (who are moms) and I always joke that we lost our memory at the same time we gave birth. M’s 6 y.o. now and I’m still having symptoms…Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it’s gone. The pro however, is that as the kids get older, they’ll be the ones to remind you of things! M reminds me not to forget my phone, what was on my food shopping list that I forgot on the counter, where I parked the car etc etc etc. LOL
Good to know I’m not the only one. Sometimes I go from one room to another looking for something, but I forget what that something is. So weird! Thanks Cammie!