Princess Says, "Hi!" September 20, 2011 By Weather Anchor Mama Princess has been waving hi for 2 months now, but this week she actually “SAYS HI!” Weather Anchor Mama More from Weather Anchor Mama:Change In a Matter of SecondsIs My Natural Hair Ruining My Marriage?29 Weeks: The Hangover « Standing Tall!Fighting the Frizz & Maintaining Body »
Denese says September 20, 2011 at It is so cute to hear them say “hi”. Colston says “hi” to random people all the time. Most of the times he says “hey” in a Joey voice. It is so funny.
Weather Anchor Mama says September 20, 2011 at I love it! Thanks for stopping by and thanks for sharing. It seems like these kids grow so fast! Don’t you love how social they are?
Denese says
It is so cute to hear them say “hi”. Colston says “hi” to random people all the time. Most of the times he says “hey” in a Joey voice. It is so funny.
Weather Anchor Mama says
I love it! Thanks for stopping by and thanks for sharing. It seems like these kids grow so fast! Don’t you love how social they are?