I wouldn’t consider myself a religious person, but I do believe in God. I won’t lie and say I go to church every Sunday shouting “hallelujah- praise the lord!” But, I would like to change that.
It’s pretty sad that the last time I went to church was Christmas Day. The time before that was Princess’s baptism.
My baby girl’s baptism was definitely a proud moment. But I can’t say the same for our infrequent attendance. Looking back at my childhood, my mom had us in church every Sunday. It didn’t matter which one, just as long as we went. I must confess -it became more of a chore and I hated going. I had a hard time focusing on the service. Plus, I found myself questioning everything in the Bible. I grew frustrated when the Sunday school teacher would give me any ‘ol answer just to shut me up.
I also attended a Catholic University and again had many of those same questions. Sure enough- the nun would answer, “just have faith.” That became the generic answer for everything. Despite my feelings, I still want to give Princess the opportunity to attend church. Whatever she chooses when she gets older, would be totally up to her.
After a long hiatus, we finally made to service this past Sunday. Here’s Princess all dressed up in her Sunday best! This is the first Sunday of many more to come!
Do you bring your kiddies church every Sunday?
Weather Anchor Mama
I thank God I was born and raised in church. I do go to church every sunday and bible study every wednesday. However back in my college and early post college days that was not the case. I was out having fun doing what I wanted to do. I thank God he kept me from any situations that I would not want to be in. But, as of now I’m back and he has me 100% Thank God you made the choice to bring your family to church. With God as the center of your live nothing will go wrong.
Awwwww Princess is adorable in her Sunday best! I grew up going to church 3x week and Christian school through 7th grade. I think it’s important to expose children to religion but definitely leave it up to them to make an informed choice. The book ScreamFree Parenting had some wonderful words on the subject btw. Anyway, we take Nia every Sunday and she LOVES the Sunday school program. It is a big hightlight of her week!
Princess is adorable.
I too grew up going to church. I slacked off in college but found that I needed that foundation to keep me anchored. So, yep, we are an every Sunday family. I think what really helped me is that I found a church that explains things and really teaches so my questions.
Thanks Quiana! I’ve also checked out the Sunday school program at the church we go to. Even though Princess liked it, I wasn’t quite happy with it. She’s a bit too young for their program. So we’ll be bringing her to the grown up service for a while. So cool Nia loves her Sunday school program!
Cool! Congrats on the new baby! You look beautiful!
It almost looks like she didn’t want to leave church
Princess looks so nice in her Church outfit. I have been trying to make it every Sunday but it’s been more like every other week. I was raised that way and would love for my baby to have that experience too.
Thanks Pegster!! Hey we could only do our best. Trying to make it this weekend!