Beyonce, Jay-Z, Gwyneth |
It’s no secret that Gwyneth Paltrow, Beyonce, and Jay-Z are besties. But when I read a recent article on that Paltrow tweeted the n-bomb when referring to a photo of the hip hop power couple, I cringed. Then I thought, there must be some mistake. I couldn’t imagine her saying, writing, or even thinking the n-word. I for one have never used it.
Growing up it was cool to call each other the n-word. I really never understood why. If you ask some black folks they’d probably say, “We reinvented the word and gave it a new meaning.” I personally think that’s B-S. I never tolerated being called the n-word, no matter the context and no matter the person. As much as I love hip hop, I always try to get clean versions of everything. I’m not always successful, but I do try. The bottom line is that I hate the word. I don’t buy into the ‘new meaning’ mumbo jumbo. It’s bad enough that I hear my own people using the word. But it’s worse when I hear white people say it. I thought Paltrow would retract the tweet or at least apologize. However according to the Yahoo article, she defended herself by saying that she was just quoting the title of a song.
Hip hop plays a major role in the world. Some rappers may claim that they’ve taken the power out of the word, but why can’t they just stop using it? We don’t need hip hop artists giving white folks the green light to drop the n-bomb. By omitting from their music, we won’t have to deal with idiot comments like Paltrow’s, and we won’t be left dumb founded when trying to explain it to our kids.
What are your thoughts on the n-word? Do you talk to your kids about the n-word?
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