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Five Months Post Relaxer: What I’ve Learned About My Hair

It’s been five months since my last relaxer.  I’ve made some strides in terms of my natural hair growth-thanks to Janasia, my True Indian Hair Wig.  She’s allowed me to give my hair a much needed break.

One of the things I’ve been focusing on is getting to know my natural hair.  I feel like we’re dating.  I’m learning about the kinds of products it responds to.  So far, I’ve used a ton.  You can find my product reviews here.  I do understand that what works now may not work once my transition is fully complete.  But, it’s ok.  I’m having so much fun trying new things.

One of the things I’ve learned about is hair growth.  Did you know that on average you hair grows about a half an inch a month?  That’s what I’ve heard and read.  I tested a lock of mine to see if this is true.

I started this transition journey on February 18, 2012.  I had my hand model/hubby to take a strand of my hair, placed it on a white sheet of paper, stretch, and measure the new growth.  Sure enough- there was about two inches of curl in each strand.

Another interesting thing I notice is the way in which each strand is growing.  If you look closely, there tiny spirals like the one you see in the foreground that matches the 4a texture.

Then there are some with no definition at all.  In fact, each strand shrinks to less than half an inch which can be considered 4b/4c.  It definitely makes caring for my hair very challenging.  My strands are very fragile, and it’s important for me to handle it with care.

Right now my hair measures about twelve inches when stretched, which falls past my shoulders.  By the end of the year I should see about another few inches of new growth.  I’ve read that your hair grows about six inches each year.  But, it is possible to increase hair growth and that’s what I plan on doing.  I’ll be sure to update you on my progress.  Stay tuned!

Weather Anchor Mama

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