I woke up in the morning, and saw Princess roaming around the house all by herself. Normally, she’d fuss until someone comes to get her. But apparently she didn’t feel like waiting.
She got out of bed on her own. I caught a glimpse of her leaving my room and quietly said her name. I didn’t want to startle her. I asked her what she was doing all by herself. She yelled, “Mommy!!” Then climbed into bed and gave me a big hug and said, “I miss you!” How could I scold her after that?
“I miss you too. But, next time wait for mommy,” I said.
I must have been completely knocked out. It’s kinda scary that I didn’t hear her get up. She’s gotten so big! She’s becoming little Miss Independent.
Did you ever wake up to find your toddler roaming the house alone?
Weather Anchor Mama
Oh yes, when my older two were toddlers, they would get out of bed and roam the house. They would scatter their toys everywhere! Two nights ago we found our 3 year old downstairs watching tv at 3:30 am!
Such a cutie!
You daughter is cute. I never had this problem. I told my girls to stay in their room and played quietly. But I have friends who did. Some set alarams. Others had kids who knew their numbers. One mama put a put sticker above the hour digit on a clock and told her girl their was a 7 under the star she could come wake her mama up!