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When a Stranger Compares Our Kids

I’ve realized that some people will say the weirdest things.  When they do, I usually smile and keep it moving.

What bugs me is when a complete stranger compares my kid with their kid.  A woman says to me, “your daughter is a little lady.”  I respond, “thanks, so is she,” (referring to the toddler she is with.  I don’t know if there’s any relation between them).  Then the conversation took a turn for the weird.

Lady: “No she’s not a lady.  She’s rough around the edges.”

I find it strange when people diss their own kid (in this case, I’m not sure their of relation).  She goes on to say:

Lady: “She’ll play football. Your daughter will do dance.”
Me: “Oh.”  (What else was I suppose to say?)
Lady: “She’ll play the drums.  Your daughter will play the violin.”

Me: Silence.  I’m getting annoyed. But, I smile and remain composed.

Lady: “She’s a tomboy.  You daughter is a girly girl.  She’ll want to paint her nails.”

Me: Silence. Okay, I’ve had enough!

I don’t think this woman means any harm.  But, it’s just a weird conversation.  We’ve never met before, and she feels compelled to start drawing comparisons between the girls?!  My take- just let kids be kids.  They are here to have fun!  Who cares about what their gonna be doing years down the road?  They’re only toddlers.  Besides, I don’t even know you!

For the record- if Princess wants to play the drums, then she’ll play the drums and anything else she wants to do (within reason of course).  She’s way too young for me to put her in any sort of category and I’m her mom.  So when a complete stranger does it, it’s just inappropriate and uncomfortable to listen to.

How do you feel about people comparing your kid to theirs?

Weather Anchor Mama

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