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How a daily fix of Bigelow Tea Calm My Tummy

With queasiness down to a minimum during my second trimester, there are still moments when my tummy can use a little relaxation. A cup of hot tea usually does the trick.

I’ve always been a tea drinker. In fact, I remember going to my friend’s house for tea and cookies every weekend back in the day. It was our special time to bond. Now that I’m a working mom, sleep teas continue to be my daily fix. It’s been my saving grace during both pregnancies. I go through at least six cups a day. So, it’s important for me to always have a stash of Bigelow; my tea of choice.

I realized that I was out of green tea with lemon. So, I decided to make a pitstop at Walmart with Princess to re-up on my supply.

It took me a while to locate the tea aisle. Thankfully, a sales clerk pointed me in the right direction. I was pretty surprised by the limited selection. Either these babies were selling like hot cakes or the folks at Walmart were being stingy with how much stockpile they put out on the shelves. They must have wanted it all for themselves.

I was a bit bummed that they didn’t have green tea with lemon. But, I was happy with cozy chamomile and clearly Princess enjoyed cozying up with the box.

It was just a little over 2 bucks a pop. Plus, it came with an extra 4 more tea bags. Gotta love a discount!

These snapshots brought me back to when Princess was an infant. Whenever she’d have an upset stomach, I’d put some warm chamomile tea in a bottle to help calm her down. With number two on the way, my tummy is in need of calming too. I usually brew a nice hot cup for a few minutes before bedtime every night, and drink it straight up.

The one thing that sets Bigelow apart from most other brands is the convenience of the individually wrapped packets. I put a few in my purse, and brew them at work. It stays so fresh that I can usually get two cups out of one tea bag.

I also love the string. Call me lazy, but the less I have to wash up, the better.

The next time I make a purchase for #AmericasTea I may have to hit up their website. They have an option to buy in bulk so I wouldn’t have to worry about the store not having my flavor of choice. They also share some interesting information on Bigelow tea, including brewing tips.

Check out my Google+ album to view more photos!

Are you a tea drinker?

I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias® and Bigelow Tea #CBias #SocialFabric #AmericasTea. All opinions are my own.

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