This pregnancy seems to be going by pretty fast. According to the folks at BabyCenter, my baby is the size of a turnip, as of 17 weeks. At around five ounces and five inches long, this tiny one can move its joints.
How I’m feeling: That sudden burst of energy that I had didn’t last long. I’m back to feeling a bit drained. I have been having some pretty strange pregnancy dreams too. The other night was pretty intense. I woke up (in my dream) from a c-section! I didn’t even remember giving birth. When I asked the doc why she performed the procedure, she told me she had a date or something. What a nightmare!
Have you have any weird pregnancy dreams?
I definitely feel you on the freaky dreams. I watched a lot of the baby birth shows on TLC and Lifetime while pregnant and they started to affect me. One night, I had a dream towards the end of my pregnancy that I went into labor and went to the hospital. The next thing I know, I’m running around with no more baby bump and marveling at how flat my tummy was when I remember, hey where’s my baby? I ask everyone I can find and no one will give me a straight answer or bring her to me. I finally find my husband and even he won’t tell me. I started going off on him and ended up punching him in the face. I woke up screaming, tears running down my face, and my husband jumped out bed thinking someone was trying to kill me. He asked me what happened and when I told him, he told me that I wasn’t allowed to watch “those baby shows” any more and to go back to sleep!
I think my comment about my pregnancy dream (nightmare(?) disappeared 🙁 Hope you got to see it!