I’m well into my third trimester and the end is near. My baby is the size of a jicama, which is a root vegetable. This little veggie is definitely starting to take up a lot more space in my tummy. I’ll probably gain about a pound a week between now and D-day, half of which will go to the baby. He/she will likely gain a third or half his/her birth weight for the next seven weeks.
How I’m feeling: This baby is constantly moving. I can tell we have another nocturnal baby on our hands. This should be interesting. Something tells me we’ll have many sleepless nights. I’ve had a bit more energy recently, which I have been enjoying. I do notice a bit more back pain, which is quite normal due to my expanding uterus. Even though I may complain a bit, I’m enjoying this pregnancy. I love seeing and feeling the changes my body is going through.
Looking at your pics, it is VERY apparent that you have been enjoying this pregnancy. You are ravishing ! You’ve been glowing the whole time ! So excited for you and your family.