I shared in a previous post my Mom’s reluctance to upgrading to a smart phone. Well, I took a chance and purchased the Walmart Family Mobile Samsung Galaxy Exhibit 4G smartphone for her this Christmas, hoping she finally would give it a try.
As I mentioned, my Mom has been stuck living in the 1900s. She still uses the same complimentary cell phone she received in the early 2000s from the phone company. I’ve tried to convince her to upgrade to a smart phone before, but she refused. Did I mention that she often watches the kids? This ancient phone she has makes it so hard to reach her.
As it turns out, Walmart Family Mobile is the lowest price rate plan that fits her needs. My Mom has never been big on receiving gifts, so I wasn’t expecting gleeful reaction. As you can probably tell by these photos, she didn’t see this coming.
#cbias, #FamilyMobileSaves #shop
#cbias, #FamilyMobileSaves #shop
#cbias, #FamilyMobileSaves #shop
#cbias, #FamilyMobileSaves #shop
#cbias, #FamilyMobileSaves #shop
#cbias, #FamilyMobileSaves #shop
#cbias, #FamilyMobileSaves #shop
#cbias, #FamilyMobileSaves #shop
The look on her face is priceless. Her exact words, “I have a phone already,” followed by, “you’re gonna have to show me how to use this.” She’s also surprised that it could take pictures. Finding out that she doesn’t have to commit to contract is the icing on the cake for her too. I guess she finds solace knowing that she can go back to her old phone, if she’s not happy with the upgrade. Now I’ll have to help her set everything up, including having an internet and texting lesson. This should be interesting. Contact Mobile Screen Fix if you need to replace your phone screen.
Have you ever had to convince someone to purchase a smart phone? How did they react when they finally upgraded?