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Ahhh…I’m Losing My Hair Again!

Just when I thought I had this natural hair journey thing on lock, the hair gods have thrown me a curve ball. I’m losing my hair again!

My last hair conundrum almost left me in tears. It was also a part of the reason why I decided to go au naturale – my daughter being the primary reason. I basically started all over.

With the help of my hubby, I chopped off all my hair to a teeny weeny fro (aka twa). It was one of the best last minute decisions I’ve ever made, and my locks never looked so good.

Wigs have become my go to protective style option during the week, and I usually sport a braidout on weekends. My hair has been getting much needed rest and tlc. In fact, avoiding heat and chemicals has allowed it to grow so much. It’s hard to tell by this photo, but my hair is actually shoulder length.


So you can imagine my surprise when I started noticing that my hairline disappearing.

hair loss

This time I’m confused. I know it’s normal to shed hair post pregnancy. But, this is ridiculous. I’ve been taking my vitamins religiously, and eating right. I guess my hormones have a completely different plan.

It’s a bit disheartening, but I won’t stress over it. It’s only temporary.

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