As a breastfeeding mom, there are moments when my boobs get so engorged that they feel like they’re gonna explode. But then there are times when my milk supply runs low.
Both of my kids breastfed like champs. If you’ve been following my blog, then you know that I nursed Princess for two years. So far, it’s been 16 months with her little brother and we plan to also make it to the two year mark as well.
Throughout the experience we’ve had our ups and downs as far as milk supply goes. I’ve shared tips on how to increase milk flow both here and also on my BabyCenter blog that’ve have worked out pretty well. In fact, those tips have come in handy in the last few months. After Young O turned one, we introduced him to rice milk. I continued pumping at work until about a couple of months ago, and I noticed that my supply has taken a hit.
I recently heard about Milkflow Fenugreek Blessed Thistle by Upspring, and decided to give it a try. The berry flavored powdery mix is a blend of natural herbal extracts with fenugreek and blessed thistle as the main ingredients with some anise, beets, and carrots.
I’ve used fenugreek in the past in a pill form, but I didn’t see a difference in milk flow. However, I began noticing a spike after about a week of using Milkflow. I think it has a lot to do with the combination of the other ingredients.
Mixing Milkflow is pretty easy. Just pour a packet into 6-8oz of water or juice, mix, and drink up! Two to three packets per day is recommended, but the company advises not to consume more than four packets a day. I prefer warm beverages, so I’d normally have mine as if I were having tea. The package doesn’t say whether or not Milkflow should be taken hot or cold, but prefer the former.
Now that my flow is back, I don’t need to drink the concoction on a daily basis. I just continue following a healthy diet, and I avoid too much coffee, as well as certain herbs and spices that may deplete my supply.
Another quick thing to note is that this product is all natural, gluten free, 100% vegan, and has no GMOs. If you’re a breastfeeding mom looking to increase your supply, you can purchase Milkflow for 15 bucks. It does seem a bit pricey in comparison to other teas like Mother’s Milk. However if other products haven’t worked in your favor, it’s worth giving this one a try. That said, Upspring will be giving away a box of Milkflow to one of my readers. Check for details below.
I would love to try this, Im using fenugreek pills though they do help its hard keeping up to take them. This is a great idea for increasing your milk supply and a great way to flavor your water that also helps.. Im wantung to go back to work and this will help improve my milk supply to do a quick easy pump when needed..
My baby’s only 2 1/2 weeks old, but getting the supply going is rough! I spend so long nursing, pumping, etc
This post was great, but a bit melancholy b/c I recently stopped nursing my 12-month old b/c I’m half-way through my pregnancy with #2. Will pass this post along to my new-mommy friends. Can you please provide more info about the rice milk you give Baby O (brand, why you settled on rice instead of soy/almond)? We’re going to give our daughter a non-dairy milk alternative, and am considering rice milk as an option. Thank you and as always great blog post!
I just try to nurse more and let the baby sleep nurse.
Rai, Congrats! SO happy for you. My friend also had to stop nursing when she found out she was expecting. Both of my kids drink Rice Dream and Natures Promise. I tried almond and soy milk with my oldest but she didn’t like it. Plus, I started reading about soy and learned that it’s not always great. Some contain additives and hidden sugars and may not be made from real soy beans. I chose not to go with cow’s milk because Princess had a sensitivity to dairy early on. I avoided dairy all together while breastfeeding early on as a result. I’ve continued only buying rice milk with my son. With reports of arsenic in rice products, I’m thinking of changing from rice milk. I’m not sure which way we’ll go through. For now, I’m just going to continue with mostly breast milk.
I always notice that when I am low in supply is because I have not suffficiently hydrated myself so I am always drinking water!