Every parent can relate to small children having to use the potty at the worse possible times. We could be on the road in bumper to pumper traffic, or at an open field with no bathroom in sight, and Princess would all of a sudden have to pee. I’ve been known to find creative ways for her to use the bathroom in public. But her Dad on the other hand, can’t quite handle spur of the moment potty breaks in the middle of no where with little girls.
If there is a bathroom around, that’s another issue. I have no problem taking Princess to the restroom. But what about dads taking their daughters into the ladies room? Should that be allowed?
No one looks at a woman weird if she strolls into the bathroom with a young boy, but can the same sentiment ring true for men taking little girls into the bathroom?
The other day Princess attended a birthday party. For the record, these types of parties only go for about an hour and a half, so potty breaks are normally not needed. We usually just have her pee before she leaves the house.
But this time was different. Even though she used the bathroom before heading out the door, she had to go again at the party. I stayed home with O because he’d want to do everything the big kids were doing and lawd knows keeping up with him would be nearly impossible. So that leaves Princess with Daddy having to take her to the bathroom.
Nowadays, most places have family restrooms, but this venue didn’t. So my hubby had a choice to make – either take our daughter to the mens room or the ladies room.
He first checked to see if anyone was in the women’s bathroom and took her inside. I understand that some ladies may not be comfortable with a man being in the bathroom, but the thought of our daughter in the men’s bathroom freaks me out.
Let’s face it; Princess is quite an inquisitive little girl. I can see her asking about the urinals and whatnot – not to mention the possibility of coming face to face with I guy doing his business.
So if I had the choice of possibly offending women by having her Dad take her into the women’s bathroom or our her using the men’s room, I choose the former hands down.
Does Dad Taking Daughter to the Ladies Room Freak You Out?
I agree! If I had a little girl..I wouldn’t be comfortable with her going to the men’s room…but not sure my other half would be okay with going into the Ladies room… Kudos to yours for making that judgement call. Ah…the restroom dilemmas when you have little kids!!!
I never really thought about it until recently. With two kids, it gets tough. I can’t always be available to take her. This was also an issue right after giving birth. I was breastfeeding and recovering from labor, so Daddy took over taking our daughter to parties and whatnot. Luckily, there weren’t any complaints. But I imagine some women would be uncomfortable with it. He did make sure all was clear though, just in case. lol
It depends on the kiddos– there are so many same-sex bathrooms in Miami.. I doubt anyone would care.