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Study Claims Women With Natural Hair Have Low Self-Esteem

A recent study by Bountiful Hair claims that women with natural hair have low self-esteem. The study also claims that natural hair is viewed as messy and unprofessional. In fact, it says those who rock curls feel inadequate and less desirable than those with straight hair.

The study consisted of 3,000 women with 2,500 saying they don’t feel as pretty as their counterparts. Pilar Ciara Jones stated, “Some days I just don’t know what to do with these naps – and on those days I just avoid the mirror all together.”

“I try to tell myself that wearing my hair natural is all about empowerment and expressing natural beauty, but there were times when I just did not feel pretty,” Jones continued. “When you continuously break combs because your hair is so nappy, and you use everything  in your refrigerator to try to tame that mane, and you still have hair so rough you could polish rocks, you begin to reevaluate your choices.”

I tried feverishly to locate this study online. This so called ‘Bountiful Hair’ that allegedly held the study doesn’t appear to exist. In fact, the article first seen on The News Nerd doesn’t provide any link backs to the actual research. Moreover, I tried looking up Pilar Ciara Jones for a follow up quote, only to end up at the initial site.

I won’t deny that there are times when I get frustrated with my hair. But, it doesn’t mean that I don’t embrace my curls. It took me years to get to this place, but there are some women like ‘Pilar’ who have yet to love their curls. Heck, there are some businesses that won’t hire women with naturally curly hair.

I work in an industry where curls are not common. But, I do feel that there is progress being made. My boss actually encouraged me to wear my natural hair on-air, but I haven’t been able to due to post pregnancy hair loss. Sporting wigs at work is convenient and also protects my hair from heat damage and whatnot.

Even though there are more women rockin’ natural hair on TV, the majority still have straight hair. We have a long way to go, but at least we’re headed in the right direction.

So, to say that women with natural hair feel inadequate and less desirable than those with straight hair is totally ridiculous. My husband says I’m just as desirable today as the day he first met me.



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