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Periscope Etiquette Tips to Grow Your Following

Whether you’re new to Periscope or have been scoping for a while, chances are you’re making mistakes that may cost you followers. Having good Periscope etiquette makes a huge difference.

I’ve been scoping for about seven months and have watched Periscope take off. It’s even affected the way we get our news. It’s given people a platform to grow their businesses and build community.

Someone requested that I talk about Periscope etiquette. I’ve come up with a few more suggestions that I included in this post to help you along the way.

11 Easy Periscope Etiquette Tips to Grow Your Following

11 Easy Periscope Etiquette Tips to Grow Your Following Click To Tweet

Show love. The best way to show your appreciation is by giving hearts (aka heart bomb). All you have to do is tap on your smart phone screen to see the floating hearts appear. This lets the broadcaster know that he or she is doing a good job and adding value.

It also helps the broadcaster and other viewers notice you. I’ve actually  followed people after noticing how much hearts they gave during scopes. Note: Unfortunately, you can’t give hearts or comment via the web.

Share. This is another way of showing some love. As a viewer, you have the ability to share the broadcast on Facebook, Twitter, and Periscope. The broadcaster appreciates it, and it also gets you noticed.

Comment. Just imagine showing up to someone’s house and not saying a word. Treat each scope as if you’re being invited into someone’s home. If you’re a newbie, let the broadcaster know. Also, be sure to add your two cents and ask questions. Being engaging shows great manners.

Don’t promote. Unless the title of the scope reads, “Promote your scope” please refrain from doing so. I’ve had people come on to my scope and start rattling off their business and products. It’s a complete turn off, and could actually get you blocked from ever being able to comment on that particular broadcaster’s scopes.

Follow the rules. Each broadcaster has rules for their scopes. Mine are pretty simple – don’t curse at or disrespect me or anyone in the room and we’re good.

Say thank you. As a broadcaster, it’s proper etiquette to thank the viewers for tuning in. Be sure to return the favor by checking out their scopes, heart bombing them, visiting their websites, or buying their products.

If you have to go, let the broadcaster know. You wouldn’t leave someone’s house without saying goodbye, right? The same concept applies here.

Don’t keep viewers waiting. I was watching a scope the other day and the broadcaster just disappeared. I was basically watching an empty bed. As a broadcaster, exercise proper etiquette by introducing yourself, welcoming the viewers, and getting right to the topic of discussion.

If you’re planning to scope about a particular conversation that you had with someone, get the person’s permission. I went to the Periscope Summit last summer and met a lot of great scopers who offered valuable advice. One young lady in particular told me about people buying fake Twitter followers. I told her that I planned to scope about it, and asked her permission before mentioning her name.

Refrain from bashing other scopers. There’s no need to make disparaging remarks about other people. Putting anyone on blast also makes you look bad.

Give attribution. If you’re scoping about something another broadcaster covered, show manners by referring to that person’s scope. You can also mention the person in the Periscope title or give a mention on twitter.

Following these easy Periscope etiquette tips will not only show good manners, it will also help to boost your following.

Have you signed up for Periscope yet? Do you have any tips you’d like to add?

Follow me on Periscope for more tips!


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