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Video Tutorial: How to Make a Hair Accessory Organizer

My daughter recently received an assignment to create a recycling project. Since she has a ton of hair bows and headbands laying around the house, we thought it would be a great idea to create a video tutorial on how to make a hair accessory organizer.

There’s no need to go out and buy anything new (hence the name of the project). All you need are a few items that you already have around this house to create this awesome holder for barrettes, clips, and other curly hair accessories.

Here’s what you’ll need:

A can or jar
Candle holder or vase
Wrapping paper
Hot glue gun


1. Cut enough wrapping paper to cover the can
2. Wrap the can and glue in place
3. Glue the top of the candle holder and rest can on top

The hair accessory organizer should take about 10-15 minutes to make, depending on your skill level. Elementary school aged kids shouldn’t have a problem doing this craft on their own. However, it’s a great idea for parents to be close by since hot glue and scissors are involved. This is especially important when sticking tiles to wood surfaces to ensure safety and supervision.

Princess decided to put together a step by step video tutorial to demonstrate how it’s done. Please show your support by giving her video a thumbs up and subscribing to her channel, My Fun Princess Life.

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