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How to Blow Up a Balloon Without Your Mouth

What kid doesn’t love a nice big balloon? But we all know that it can require a lot of effort to blow up a balloon with your mouth. But did you know that you can actually do it without your mouth? It’s true! All you need are a few household items to make it happen.

How to Blow Up a Balloon Without Your Mouth

What You’ll Need

Empty water bottle
Baking Soda
Funnel (optional)

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Pour vinegar into the empty water bottle. Start with three teaspoons of vinegar. It’s best to use a measuring cup or funnel to prevent the vinegar from spilling.

Next, add about three teaspoons of baking soda to the balloon. Again, you may need to use a funnel to allow for an easy transfer. We actually used a small scoop with our experiment, which worked pretty well.

Place the balloon tightly over the top of the water bottle. Please keep in mind that if it’s too loose, air will escape and prevent it from inflating. You may also need an assistant to hold the bottom part of the balloon to keep the baking soda inside. The weight of the balloon and baking soda may be a bit heavy, so hold the water bottle in place as well.

Shake the water bottle. This will mix the two ingredients causing it to inflate. If this doesn’t work, repeat the experiment. We used about a ⅓ cup of water and a ⅓ cup of baking soda and the results were pretty impressive the second time around.

What Happens When You Mix Baking Soda and Vinegar

The combination creates carbon dioxide, which is the same as the air we exhale. That causes it to inflate.

How to form a Hypothesis

Whether your child decides to do this experiment for a science project or a fun project at home, it’s a great learning exercise. You can take it a step further by comparing the experiment to blowing up a balloon with your mouth.

Have children form a hypothesis (guess which method is fastest). Sample hypothesis includes, It takes less time to blow up a balloon using baking soda and vinegar experiment than it does to inflate it using your mouth.

Once the hypothesis is formed, perform tests to see whether or not you’re correct. A timer can be used for accuracy.

After performing each test, write down the answers and compare. Was your hypothesis correct? Feel free to try is several times to see if the results vary.

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