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How to Live Stream Like a Boss

Live stream has become the most popular ways to share content online. Whether having a casual conversation, sharing tips and tricks, or selling products and services, live streaming is an effective way to get the word out.

But let’s face it; not everyone feels comfortable broadcasting live. It can be nerve wracking. That’s why I’ve come up with a few tips on how to live stream like a boss.

How to Live Stream Like a Boss

Plan your live stream subject

If you want to create memorable broadcasts, come up with a plan. What message do you want to convey? What is the take away? Brainstorm your ideas and write them down.

Then narrow down the important key points and keep them handy during your live stream session. Choose a subject matter and prepare. If you’re not, you run the risk of losing engagement.

Get the right equipment

You don’t have to go out and purchase expensive equipment. Honestly, I used my daughter’s jewelry box and propped my smartphone up against my water bottle for most of my broadcasts. It was a great alternative to a tripod.

However, if you plan on broadcasting on a regular basis and you want to grow your brand, then invest in a tripod and mic to take your broadcasts to the next level.

Choose a simple backdrop

You don’t need to go all out and splurge on a high end backdrop. You can purchase lighting. But if you’re on a budget, live stream during the day in front of a window with the camera facing you (never shoot with window behind you).

Tease your broadcast

Take to social media and let followers know you have a broadcast coming up. Also, let them know what it’s about. If you have a blog, you can also tease your upcoming live content within a blog post. Spreading the word will create a buzz and get people to tune in.

Get ready to go live

Once your have you topic, outline, your smartphone is in position, you’re ready to go live. But, before you hit record, make sure you look camera ready. You don’t have to wear makeup.

In fact, the natural look works just fine when it comes to live streaming. It offers a level of authenticity that’s priceless. Your look also depends on the subject matter. For example, if you’re a makeup artist sharing makeup tips, then you should be fully made up during your broadcast. If you’re a fitness expert sharing health tips, there’s no need to pile on makeup.

A Few Things to Remember

The best live streamers are authentic, confident, and can keep the audience engaged by answering questions throughout the broadcast.

Just be yourself, and let your personality shine. When it doubt, go over your talking points beforehand. Keep in mind, it’s okay to stumble. People aren’t looking for perfection to keep them tuned in. They want someone who’s real.

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