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Multiracial Children’s Books That Teach Confidence

Multiracial Children’s Books are a great way to teach them about self love and identity. Mixed kids are often caught in the middle of their mixed heritage. They’re taught at a young age to “pick a side.”

Multiracial Problems – “No, I’m Not the Nanny!”

Let’s not forget about the ignorant folks we see in passing who feel the need to ask, “is she your daughter?” Yes! After all these years I still get that question. In fact, my daughter and I were coming home from an audition when a women asked if she was my daughter.

It’s so funny because I had just been talking about this same topic with another mom. She’s white and her kids are half Chinese.

They arrived at an audition for mixed kids. Her son was given a slate with his name, race and ethnicity. Another parent came over to her and told her that he was in the wrong category.

She went on to say that he should be in the Hispanic grouping. His mom explained that he was in the right spot. Then the woman responded, “Well, he doesn’t look Chinese.”

It sucks that we’re still facing this kind of ignorance today. It’s one thing to say these questions and comments in front of babies, it’s even worse saying them in front of big kids. As they get older, they have more questions about the things people say. We then have to explain why people don’t understand our family dynamic.

Fortunately, there are multiracial children’s books that address multiracial and multicultural concerns – teaching kids about their identity and to love the skin their in.

Society has its own absurd view of what a “normal” family should look like. That’s why it’s so important to educate our kids. Teach them that beauty comes in all colors – that we are a normal family too.

8 Awesome Multiracial Children’s Books


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I Am Mixed are about two children from two racial backgrounds. They learn about their mixed ancestry and discover that they can enjoy the best of both worlds.

Big Hair, Don’t Care focuses on confidence and building self-esteem in boys and girls.
It’s about a little girl name Lola who has bigger hair than the kids at her school. She embraces her uniqueness and talks about how much she LOVES her hair.

Mixed Me is about a confident energetic little boy, Mike. He answers a lot of questions many multiracial kids face regarding being mixed.

Black, White, and Just Right talks about the differences between an African American mother and white father, and celebrates why their mixed family is “just right.”

A Day at the Zoo with My Family is a book about an interracial family and their trip to the zoo. They’re on a journey to discover different animals and more.

I Am Awesome celebrates everything that makes Jay, Nia, and their friends unique and special. The book encourages kids to be brave and never give up. It also touches on the true meaning of friendship and acceptance.

My Multicultural Story is for multicultural families who want to share their unique family history with their children and celebrate what it means to be biracial/multicultural. In a scrapbook format, children, with the help of their parents, can personalize the book with their own pictures and family stories.

Kayla the Great And The Magic Red Dress is about a 6 year-old biracial girl, Kayla, who is smart, confident and marches to the beat of her own drum! She lives in Atlanta, GA with her parents, older twin brothers and her dog Sunshine. This book teaches a valuable lesson that we don’t need material things to make us feel special.

What are some of your favorite Multiracial Children’s Books?

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