PH balance in naturally curly hair isn’t something I thought about when I decided to return to my natural roots. But after dealing with many setbacks along my natural hair journey, I began researching the importance of pH and how it affects my hair.

What is pH?
pH which is the potential of hydrogen. It measures how much hydrogen is in a substance.
The scale ranges from one to fourteen with seven being neutral. Anything less than seven is considered acidic and anything over seven is alkaline or basic. The lower the pH, the higher the hydrogen ions. The higher pH means the higher the hydroxide ions. It may seem as though the increments between the pH scale are minimal, but it’s not. Each number represents a difference of ten times.
Importance pH Balance
Therefore, it’s important to maintain a healthy pH level in order to keep your hair pH balance. For example, when you mix baking soda which has a pH of nine and vinegar which has a pH of two, you get carbon dioxide. The chemical reaction allows the mixture to become balanced.

Your hair naturally has a pH between 4.5 and 5.5. When it comes to maintaining the health of your curls, you should use products ranging between three and six. Acidic products will bring shine to your tresses and seal your cuticle layer. The further right you go on the scale, expect more damage which is what happens with relaxers that typically have a pH of 14.
Keep in mind that the more your hair swings back and forth on the pH scale, the more likely for your cuticles to become lifted causing damage.
pH Balance for Curly Hair Growth
That’s why it’s important to stay within the comfort zone and use the same products within the same line whenever possible. Manufacturers are not required by law to add the pH of products to labels. However, you can test to make sure that products are within the recommended range. It’s also a good idea to test levels if you decide to mix and match products to determine how your hair may be affected.
When it comes to knowing how much pH your hair products should have, the rule of thumb is to use shampoos with a pH between five and six. Some conditioners may be more or slightly less neutral. In that case, you can mix in a little aloe vera juice which will bring it level down to about four.
Water has a pH of seven. It’s great at cleansing and moisturizing your hair. But keep in mind, that it can also lift your cuticles and expose your cortex. I’ve fallen victim to this in the past. My hair became dry and brittle.
As a result, I’ve added pre-pooing to my hair care regimen. I also shampoo my hair with warm water to lift the cuticles allowing for proper cleansing. I then follow up by rinsing out the conditioner with cool water to close the cuticle later. When I’m ready to style my hair, I use the L.O.C method.
The science of pH does play an important role in how your hair reacts to different products. If you decide to test shampoos and conditioners, pay close attention to how your curls respond. You’ll be one step closer to achieving healthy hair growth.