Using Scotch Tape to Avoid a Fashion Faux Pas

As I slowly get closer to my pre-baby bod, I do what I can to fit into my clothes.  There are still some outfits that are a bit too snug and others that bulge in spots.  But no matter what my size, I’ll always need to have some garments tailored. Instead of spending money on…

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Izzy Diane’s Bowtique Photoshoot

Princess models for Izzy Diane’s Bowtique Weather Anchor Mama

When Things Get Out of Whack

I pride myself in being organized and having everything together.  But, this week has been a nightmare so far.  Okay, I maybe exaggerating a bit.  But, a change in schedule has caused everything to slip out of alignment. When I was informed that I would be working behind the scenes for weather training, I thought…

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Much Needed Break

When I found out that some friends of mine from work would be leaving, I was overcome with both joy and sadness.  I’m so happy they’ll be moving on in their careers, but bummed that I won’t get to see them at work anymore.  That’s the nature of the biz!  It’s common for someone to…

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Wardrobe Tips

  One of the most challenging things about my job, aside from producing and delivering the weather forecasts, is achieving the right look.  I’ve demonstrated how I apply make up for TV, but getting dressed for TV is another beast in and of itself.  There are a few rules I go by, when it comes…

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Boutique Beauty

Check out Princess’s Boutique Beauties model video!

Happy Eating!

Everyone knows that kids could be picky eaters, my baby is no different.  Before getting ready for work, I make her meals for the day.  Preparing lunch can be challenging because of certain limitations.  Since daycare doesn’t usually reheat her meals, I have to send ready to eat lunches.  I try to be creative and…

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