4c Hair Natural Myths Debunked

4c natural hair myths

When it comes to caring for natural hair, there is so much information to available right at your fingertips. You’ll find that some things are true while others are not, which can affect your hair growth. That said, here’s a breakdown of some 4c natural hair myths, and what has worked for me so far…

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Exfoliating Scalp Scrub

exfoliating scalp scrub scalp detaox

When it comes to achieving healthy hair, it starts at the roots. Think of the hair on your head as a garden. A healthy soil promotes healthy plants. The same idea applies to our hair. Our scalp is like the soil of a garden. Our environment and our habits play a vital role in the…

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Frizzy Hair: Science Behind the Frizz

frizzy hair

Frizzy Hair. We’ve all fallen victim to it at some point. I certainly don’t look forward to those muggy days. The higher the humidity, the more likely my braid out turns into a puff ball. I’m sure many of you can relate. All curly hair types react to it in some way. But, there is…

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Essential Oils Natural Hair Benefits

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Essential oils have many benefits. It’s known for healing and soothing properties. But, it’s also great for promoting hair growth. My natural hair journey wouldn’t be a success without it. There’s a lot of power that comes in each bottle. The oils are derived from plants through distillation or evaporation. Some countries often use essential oils…

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Hygral Fatigue: What is it and How to Avoid it

hygral fatigue stacy-ann gooden natural hair

Hygral fatigue can be extremely damaging to naturally curly hair. Before we get into how to prevent it, let me explain what it is. What is Hygral Fatigue Hygral fatigue is basically moisture overload. The hair cuticle becomes damaged because of excessive moisture entering and leaving the cuticle. The hair strand expands when it’s wet…

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Pre-poo Benefits of Growing Natural Hair

pre-poo benefits natural hair stacy-ann gooden

Pre-poo may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of “wash routine.” But, it should be. As I learned over the years, it’s an important step when it comes to growing healthy natural hair. Hair holds a certain amount of water molecules. If you wash your hair without pre-pooing, your…

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Ugly Truth About Water Temperature on Naturally Curly Hair

Water temperature can have a huge impact on your naturally curly hair. Is it okay to use hot water to shampoo and condition your curls? Does cool water affect your hair differently than warm water? I’m here to answer these questions and share what has been working for me. Ever since I was a little…

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Why pH Balance Important for Curly Hair Growth

pH balance curly hair growth

PH balance in naturally curly hair isn’t something I thought about when I decided to return to my natural roots. But after dealing with many setbacks along my natural hair journey, I began researching the importance of pH and how it affects my hair.  What is pH? pH which is the potential of hydrogen. It…

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