Career Mom Guilt: How My Little Girl Broke My Heart

For me, career mom guilt means struggling to balance work and motherhood. I started this blog to document my parenting adventures and share tips with other moms and dads. After over four years,  I thought I had this down pat. But, these last couple of years have been tough. I love my job, but I love my kids too….

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Do You Participate in Take Your Child to Work Day?

There was a time when I wanted to be a nurse like my mom. That’s because I would accompany her to work every once in a while back in Jamaica. She’d pack my favorite snack, Ovaltine Crackers and Milo. I’d sit at the nurses station and meet some of her colleagues and see some of the newborn…

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Welcome to the new and improved Weather Anchor Mama!

Welcome to the new and improved Weather Anchor Mama! I can’t believe this journey began almost four years ago and I’m so excited at how much it has evolved. I want to thank you so much for riding with me these last few years. I’ve shared with you my pregnancy and breastfeeding stories, parenting challenges and…

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Is it possible to be your daughter’s best friend and strict disciplinarian?

Back in the day my friends and I would often plan these extravagant excursions. Okay, I admit our plans were pretty lame. But to us, they were super exciting. It consisted of things like walking to the mall. I know it sounds pretty boring, but it wasn’t to us. Those walks were literally like five…

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Why I’m so lucky to be alive

I’ve covered so many snowstorms that I’ve gotten numb at the thought of getting any of the white stuff. That said, I do love tracking snowstorms – heck, any storm for that matter. But covering storms for the news is completely different from actually traveling in it. One recent snowstorm dumped five to eight inches…

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It’s Hard Spending the Night Away From My Babies

As the second snowstorm of the season approached, I knew that there was a good chance that I’d have to be away from my family. My daughter has grown accustomed to having Mommy working long hours whenever the weather gets bad. However, this would be a first time experience for her baby brother – not…

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Would you change your appearance to look like another race?

People would sometimes ask me if I’m part Asian. I’ll usually respond by saying, “Somewhere down the line.” My slanted eyes are a dead giveaway. I used to feel self conscious about them. Whenever I laughed they’d become more pronounced. There was the occasional annoying class clown who would slant his eyes by using his…

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My Encounter With an Angry Viewer

I love my job.  Even though things get a bit crazy during severe weather coverage, I get excited. When boss lady asks me to come in a bit early for cut-ins, I’m happy to oblige.  Forecasting the weather can get tricky.  It’s important to be on top of your game at all times.  People usually…

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