With the rise of interracial couples and marriages, is there a higher tolerance for people having relationships outside of their race? But, how people respond to interracial couples is the topic of our Couples Chat. As of 2014, the number of Americans who were in favor of different races marrying each other increased 24 percent…
What You Should Know About Raising Biracial Children

When it comes to raising biracial children, I’ve realized there is just no secret formula. Many have said mixed kids are so cute, and they just may have a point. But behind the cuteness, there are many concerns that we’ve had as an interracial couple raising biracial kids. My hubby and I discussed some of them…
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Should I Feel Guilty for Wanting to Spend Time Without Kids?

As I mentioned it a previous post, my hubby and I celebrated our wedding anniversary at our daughter’s recital. We had a great time watching her dance and cheering her on. But let’s be real, that wasn’t exactly an ideal way to celebrate. Don’t get it twisted, we love our kids and would do anything for them. However, we…
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What Does Legalizing Same-Sex Marriage Nationwide Mean for Kids?

History was made when the Supreme Court ruled that the Constitution will now guarantee a right to same-sex marriage on Friday. This has been a long journey for many. But what does legalizing same-sex marriage nationwide mean for kids? There are still those who cringe at the sight of two people of the same sex kissing….
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My Life’s Journey Documented in a Podcast With Comedian Alex Barnett

When comedian Alex Barnett asked to interview me for his podcast entitled, Multiracial Family Man, I couldn’t say no. For those of you who don’t know him, he’s a Jewish guy married to a beautiful black woman. They are proud parents of one of the cutest three-year-old boys I’ve ever seen. Alex’s interviews feature families like ours who are multicultural…
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Couples Chat| How We Met Part 2

Thanks so much for the kind words regarding our recent Couples Chat. My hubby enjoyed this vlog in particular and even gave some relationship advice. Check out How We Met Part 2. Please give this video a thumbs up and don’t forget to subscribe. Thanks so much for watching! How did you meet your significant…
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Couples Chat: To Spank or Not to Spank

It’s an age old topic that never gets old – to spank or not to spank. When it comes to discipline, everyone has a different opinion. I’ve covered this subject on my BabyCenter blog a while back. But, my hubby and I decided to chat a little bit more about it to give a fresh…
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Should You Talk About Race With Other Parents’ Kids?

I’ve prepared myself for discussing race with my kids, as a way of helping them find their racial identity. But, what happens when the subject comes up with other children? Should you talk about race with other parents’ kids? We had just returned from a class trip. As the class lined up to wash their hands…