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Biracial Parenting: The Things People Say

I’m sure you’ve heard that “kids say the darndest things.”  But after a recent experience, I think the same can be said about grown folks.  When a child says whatever comes to mind, it’s usually deemed as being precocious or cute.  I’m sure you’ve also heard the saying, “if you don’t have something nice to say, keep it to yourself.”

I wish everyone would adhere to that expression.  Princess and I went to the post office, and a woman standing in front of us took one look at my baby girl and said the weirdest things.  She blurted out in front of everyone, “you’re baby is yellow!  He needs to go to the doctor!  Did you take him to the doctor?!  He looks sick!”  I was shocked beyond belief!

I wanted to tell her off!  I wanted to say mind your own business, my baby GIRL is fine!  Instead I politely smiled and ignored her.  I pretended she didn’t say anything.  I didn’t want to give her the satisfaction.  Besides, I didn’t think she was worthy of an answer.

Now that I’m a mom, I want to set a good example for my Princess.  I know that people will be unkind.  I know that there are some who will impose there beliefs in how I should raise my child, and I don’t feel it’s right.  Don’t get me wrong.  If my child is in distress, I hope that someone would step in to help.  I don’t, however, feel it’s appropriated to tell a parent your child is sick.  Clearly Princess is fine.  She is a healthy soon to be one year old.  See for yourself.  I took this pic on our way home.  It’s an unretouched photo.  Does she look sick to you?

Maybe this woman was trying to help in some way.  But, her approach was just all wrong.  I’ve had friends who’ve told me about complete strangers who say the most weirdest, hurtful things.  So, I know I’m not alone.  I guess the most important thing is to handle it the right way.  I could have caused a scene like she did, but I chose the classy way instead.  I wouldn’t want Princess to see me fly off the handle.  I rather her be proud of how I handled the situation.  I tell her I love her and that she is beautiful everyday.  As she gets older, I’ll tell her that people will say hurtful things, but it’s important to not let it get to you.

Weather Anchor Mama

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