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Call Me a Hot Mess Mama

I thought the older a child gets, the easier it would be.  Since moving up to oranges this week, it’s quite the opposite.  It seems like the older my baby girl gets, the more crap we have to lug to daycare.  I stayed up mad late Sunday night getting all her things ready for her classroom switch.  I made a list to help me stay on track.
üThree change of outfits
ü4 regular cups (no more sippee cups)
üWater shoes (which her daddy had to run out and get at the last minute)
üBeach towel
üPortable crib sheet and blanket
üPull-ups (they assist with potty training whoo-hoo!)

When we woke up the next morning, it started raining so hard you’d think the world was ending.  Lightning littered the skies and the sound of thunder made me want to crawl under the bed.  Hey, just because I cover the weather doesn’t mean I’m one of those weather junkies that would get in a car and chase tornadoes.  I’d rather be the one out in the heat.  I love the hot weather!  Anyway, Princess was terrified and kept asking, “What happened?”  I gave her a quick lesson about thunder and lightning as I brushed her teeth.

When it came to getting dressed, it took her forever.  Thank goodness I got her bag ready the night before.  All I had left to prepare was her lunch.  We were running so far behind.  After breakfast, I literally grabbed everything (including Princess) and jetted out the door.

Her teachers probably thought I was a crazy lunatic when we arrived.  One was straight clocking me!  I caught another one scoping me up and down!

When I got home and took one look in the mirror, I was like oh snap!  Guess what I saw?  My reflection staring back at me.  Yikes!

No wonder these teachers were looking at me all crazy!  I looked like a hot mess!

Let’s be real.  Who has time to get all dolled up just to take their kid to school?  Clearly I don’t.  Can you tell I was wearing my husband’s underwear?

Weather Anchor Mama

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