I get asked all the time if I’d ever consider moving out of state, and I usually have a hard time answering that question. Here’s why…
Reading this NY Daily News article confirmed to me that the world is far from being a bed of roses. In fact, this story is a nightmare come true. A young white man innocently walking to a party with his black girlfriend in Georgia gets jumped by three black guys. It’s crazy to think that this kind of thing still happens. But, I can’t say that I’m totally surprised. My hubby and I still get looks when we go out. We still hear the ‘why are they together’ whispers too.
Now that it’s the three of us, we get those weird (sometimes offensive glances) followed by a neck break to see what our kid looks like in the stroller. Since we live in New York, there is a certain level of comfort because we know the area, and we know the people in our neighborhood. My hubby and I have talked about relocating. Then we snap back to reality. The idea of starting all over in a totally different hood or state is scary. I do realize this particular hate crime an isolated incident. It could happen anywhere. But with a child, we have to be super careful.
I’ve had a similar conversation with a friend who also married outside of her race. This couple has a beautiful daughter. She’s expressed to me that she’s not concerned about the racial issue. This family lives in the south and I find it interesting that she doesn’t seem concerned at all. I remember her saying that the world is changing, and she feels that her daughter won’t have to go through racism. I admire her positivity. We shouldn’t live in fear, but I still can’t understand why she’d not worried. While I agree that the world is changing, these kinds of hate crimes are far from over. Those who are being accused of committing a hate crime or any other types of felony should consider seeking the services of criminal solicitors.
For those of you who beg to differ, make sure you read that Daily News article and watch the video too. There are no hate-crime laws in Georgia, and that needs to change.
Oh, and just because we have a biracial president, doesn’t mean a damn thing.