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Three Legitimate Fears

My project continues! Being crafty has never come easy for me, but I’m trying to spice things up a bit. Take a look at my handy dandy photoshop skills!

The idea is to be inspired and get creative. Once in a while ya gotta make an attempt at something new. As I mentioned, I’ll be turning this into a book. So, I’m trying to get a feel of what the layout will look like.

Let me know what you think. Also, don’t be shy! Share your fears in the comments below.

1. I am terrified of big dogs, especially pitbulls! I was attacked by a pitbull years ago, and never got over it. But my fear of dogs didn’t start there. Ever since I was little, I’ve always been very cautious of them. It seems like I’ve been chased by dogs my whole life. I lost count! I can handle the little ones, like malteses. They’re pretty cute. If I can offer my kids any bit of advice about animals, don’t approach without getting clearance from the owner. It’s tough, but try and stay calm if you’re faced with an uncomfortable situation involving dogs.

2. I’m scared to swim. This is a tricky one because I actually kinda learned to swim in high school. I was no olympic swimmer. But I knew how to float and was okay with free-styling, until things changed one day.

I was floating on my back in my high school swim class. All of a sudden it got quiet. Out of the corner of my eye the swim teacher came over to me with a worried look on her face. I remember her saying something like, “Don’t panic! You’re in the deep end.”

Of course I panicked and she helped me back to the shallow end. Needless to say, I’ve been traumatized ever since. Despite my fear of the water, I’ve always made a promise that my  kids would learn how to swim.

3. Okay, I’ll admit it. I’m afraid of the dark (and your dad is too). I don’t know where this fear stems from. I grew up sharing a room with three siblings, and I was fine. But the minute I had my own room, I needed a night light. To this day we keep on a light at all times. I must have past along this habit because Princess always needs to have a light on too.

I guess in some weird way I feel protected, and I like to see what’s going on around me. In a way, that’s sort of how I treat life. The world can be a dark and scary place. Being a mom has allowed me to see it in a whole new light. I’ll elaborate in number 19 on my list of “30 Things My Kids Should Know About Me.”


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