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30 Weeks: The big flip


I’m in the home stretch now- the big 3-0! Before you know it, it will be D-day! My baby is the size of a head of cabbage, weighing about 3 and half pounds. The amniotic fluid in my uterus will slowly decrease as this baby gets bigger.

How I’m Feeling: What used to be tiny flutters in my tummy, are now heavy blows. There are times I feel like this baby is trying to knock me out! It got pretty intense one day at work. At first I wondered if it was Braxton Hicks contractions. But, quickly realized it wasn’t.

This pain was like no other. I later described to my OB, “This baby was kicking as if it were trying to get out. Then, it was if there was something inside pressing down on my anus really hard.” He seemed a little grossed out , which was understandable. However, that was the only way to explain how I was feeling. After viewing the sonogram, he told me the baby was in birthing position. “You were probably feeling the baby turn,” he said.

We won’t ever know for sure. I don’t recall ever experiencing this during my first pregnancy, and I haven’t felt anything else like it since. Maybe we can chalk it up to the baby flipping into birthing position.

Have you ever felt anything like this?


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