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A Snippet of My Typical Day

If it’s one thing I’ve learned, your life changes when you have kids. Check out my 12th installment of my project, “30 Things My Kids Should Know About Me.”

People are always asking how I manage to do all that I do. “A lot of support,” is how I usually respond. I’m blessed with a wonderful husband and mom who both chip in. However despite the help, my life can get pretty crazy.

The alarm goes off at 7:45 am (but I usually hit the snooze button for a little extra sleep time). I get Princess dressed for school, all while making breakfast (which is usually oatmeal or the occasional cornmeal porridge- each made from scratch). Since my hubby’s schedule has changed, he’s been doing the honors of preparing her meals for daycare to save time.

The goal is to hit the road by 9 am. But you know how unpredictable tots can be. Sometime we leave a bit later. If it’s a beautiful day, we play outside and take photos. Hey, you can’t blame a mama for wanting to enjoy a little extra time with her little girl.

By the time I return home, I have a couple hours to spare. During this time I clean up, make dinner, check emails, blog, catch up on homework, and squeeze in a nap or exercise. Then it’s off to work. I get home pretty late, and Princess is usually fast asleep. I take a couple hours to unwind, blog, and do more schoolwork.

I usually hit the sack pretty late. Unfortunately, I don’t get to spend much time with Princess during the week. That’s why weekends are reserved for family time. I’m looking forward to maternity leave soon. I’m excited about baby number two, and being able to enjoy more time together! My busy schedule will eventually get busier, and I’m sure I’ll have to make adjustments to my already hectic schedule.


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