Last summer I accomplished something I never thought I could do. I got on a plane with my newborn. The trip was a success. Baby O and I had a blast. Now, My hubby and I are gearing up for a trip in a few weeks, and I’m going nuts. Here are five reasons why I’m freaking out about traveling with my kids:
1. Baby O is no longer a newborn. Traveling with a two-month-old was a piece of cake. I kept him in the baby carrier most of the time. He was so quiet that people were surprised to learn that I had a baby the entire flight.
2. The four of us will be getting on the plane, but we won’t be together. My husband will have to take a separate flight, which means that I’ll be traveling with the kids alone. I equate this to zone defense. How the heck am I gonna be able to keep both kids in check.
3. Kids are unpredictable. Baby O is usually no fuss, but get him on the wrong day, fuggetabboutit! Oh, and his big sis too. There’s no telling when or why she’ll have a meltdown.
4. Carrying all this stuff with two kids! My husband said he’ll take some things. But you know how it is traveling with kids. They need a lot of stuff. How am I gonna carry it all?
5. I’ve never done it before. It’s easy to pack your own things. But when you’re responsible for little ones, that’s a whole other story. We’ll need to pack the car seats, diapers, wipes, gadgets, and the list goes on.
I know we’ll get through this. I’m gonna start my having a long conversation with Princess, and make a list. We’ll just have to take baby steps. This trip should be interesting with our booked guided tours to Brazil. Stay tuned.