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Surprising Remedy for Teething Pain

When I asked the pediatrician, “when do babies begin teething?” I was shocked by his answer. “Most babies teeth between four and six months,” he said. I knew there had to be some mistake. My son was only a couple months old when I started noticing signs of teething. I knew early on he was one of the few early teething babies.

When Young O began drooling and gnawing at my nipples when he breastfed, I knew something was up. Interestingly enough, his teething troubles are still problematic at 18-months-old. This has been an ongoing battle, but have found ways to ease his pain. Here are some remedies that have worked.

1. Teething toys and cold washcloth. I never introduced the pacifier to Young O. But every once in a while we’ll give him a cold teether or rag to numb the pain. Looking for a pediatric dentist Ashburn, contact Treasured Smiles Pediatric Dentistry

2. Puffs. Happy Family makes organic puffs that my baby absolutely loves. He’s been snacking on them since he was just a few months old. It’s organic, yummy, and provides some relief from the pain. Dentiflow will happily accommodate your baby in his or her first dental appointment.

3. Teething pellets. After reading about the harmful effects of benzocaine, I made the switch to Hyland’s teething tablets. I’ll give him a few before bed and it helps him sleep better.

4. Medicine. There have been times when he has developed a high fever and inflamed gums. That’s when I have to head to the medicine cabinet. Children’s Tylenol or Motrin are my drugs of choice. Please note that you should check with your Pediatrician for proper dosage.

5. Breastfeeding. It’s been the most surprising remedy of all. It’s as if breast milk is some kind of magic beverage, containing antibodies that help fight off viruses and bacteria. Breastfeeding lowers a baby’s risk of having asthma or allergies. It also helps with teething, especially when Young O gets cranky.

Have you tried any of these remedies? How do you ease your baby’s teething pain?

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