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Things Only Parents Will Understand


Let’s face it, being a parent is the toughest job ever. I’ll admit, I used to be one of those people who would hate waiting for the mom with her kids in tow and tons of shopping bags to boot. Now that I’m a mom, it looks like karma has bit me in the butt. Now my husband and I have only become those people. I share things only parents will understand in my latest post on BabyCenter. But, this isn’t just for people with kids. Those without children are welcome to give this one a read too.

Here’s a snippet:

1. Being sick all the time. If you’re a parent to small children in daycare, then you know what I’m talking about. Kids can be susceptible to all kinds of germs. I’ve experienced this with both of my children. They would catch a virus, which leaves one of us having to call out from work. Then it becomes a game of tag with each of us taking turns getting sick.
2. No sleep. It took Princess a while to start sleeping through the night. Once we got a routine down, I got pregnant with baby number two. Right now I’m averaging around five hours a night.
3. No privacy. Nowadays I can’t enjoy a 15-minute shower without one of my kids needing me for something. Either my daughter would barge in to ask a random question or her baby brother would need my attention. Sometimes I’ve had to bring him into the bathroom with me.
4. Can’t sit down to enjoy a meal. Having an infant keeps you on your toes. My husband and I have a rule that we don’t eat unless the kids eat first. There’s usually so much going on that we end up taking turns at the dinner table.
5. Can’t get through a movie. Making it through any program is challenging. With two kids around, we can never hear dialogue. It’s way too loud! By the time we get ready to put the kids to bed, my husband usually falls asleep in minutes.

There’s just so many things we go through as parents. I’ve only scratch the service, but the list goes on. You can check out the rest over at BabyCenter. If you have anything you’d like to add, please do. Non-parents can feel free to chime in too. Good bad or indifferent, your comments are welcome.

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