As I mentioned in my previous post, I am a mother of an 8 month old. I’m sure many of you moms can relate to teething troubles. What a nightmare!! I’ve been dealing with it for the last few months now. I’ve tried everything from ice packs, teething toys, pacifiers, and wet cloths. I’ve also used Baby Oregel a few times. But, I got rid of it after learning about the harmful ingredient, benzocaine. It has a number of harmful side effects, which includes preventing blood flow in babies. Once I heard that, I tossed it in the trash. Most recently I’ve been using Humphrey’s teething pellets. Some mothers I’ve spoken to swear by it. I figure I might as well try it because my little Princess has gone from sleeping through the night to not lasting two hours before waking up. I’m still nursing and she snuggles up to my boob ALL NIGHT LONG! Most days I am a walking zombie at work and I try to pretend like I have tons of energy. I know I have to be strong and deal with it. But, it’s hard to see her in pain and it’s hard for me to be up all night. So, I’ll take all the advice I can get. With that said, I met a woman at a luncheon at Bayview Housing in Brooklyn today. She claims to have the perfect remedy for teething.
She told me to get three eggs, line them up in a row, and have Princess pick one. When she chooses one, hide it. The woman went on to say that after doing this, she should never have teething troubles again. I actually took her advice when I got home. When I told my hubby about this ol’ school remedy for teething, he told me it’s just nonsense. I’m an Island girl, born in Jamaica. I’ll give anything a shot, within reason of course. What do you think? Would love to get your thoughts.
Weather Anchor Mama
HEY! Did it work? Sounds insane but I tell ya, I kinda believe old school stuff sometimes.
No, it didn’t 🙁 I should post an update. I recently remember I placed the egg under her dresser. I found it the other day. It was a mess! Luckily, it didn’t ruin the carpet. Hey, it was worth a try!lol