I’m back into the throes of the weekday grind, and I can’t stop thinking about the weekend. We enjoyed some much needed family time. The weather was so perfect, we couldn’t let it go to waste. Since our little Princess loves the outdoors, we deceided to take a trip to the south shore overlooking the Atlantic. While we were there, we enjoyed the smooth sounds of a cover band.
It’s different from the hip hop and R&B artists that I listen to, but they didn’t disappoint. Our little Princess got her groove on, and also tried to take over filming! Fun times!
What a sweet video! Alina loves to rock out too… what is with kids and music?! Ha!
And O.M.G.!!! How much does the little baby I photograph look like your Princess? Seriously, it is INSANITY! I was in shock when I first met her, and couldn’t stop telling my husband “I have a reader whose baby looks EXACTLY like this baby” while I was editing… haha, now you know where Princess’s twin is!
So crazy!