If you’re a parent, you probably think that your kid is super talented and super advanced. Whether it’s true or not, no one can tell you different. But let’s be real, only a select few have “IT.” When a co-worker showed me little Sophia Grace singing Nicki Minaj’s Super Bass, I thought “this little girl is a star.” Check it out and see for yourself. Let me know what you think.
Apparently Ellen thought this little munchkin had “IT” too! She invited her on the show and introduced her to Nicki Minaj!
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Sophia Grace reminds me so much of Princess. My baby girl won’t be singing any notes for a little while longer, but she loves to dance! Once she starts talking, it’s on! I’m sure I’ll be posting videos like these as she gets older. Some may think I’m delusional, but Princess is a star too. Stay tuned!
I absolutely love her!!!!!!! She is too cute and the sister cracks me up she was really trying to keep up.
I know!