I contemplated on whether or not to write a post about toddler bullies. But after these past few days, I decided I had to vent. I never would have imagined dealing with bullying this early. Princess goes to a fab daycare! The teachers are great and the place is clean. They run a pretty tight ship. I couldn’t ask for anything more. However, since Princess has moved up from grapes to strawberries, I have noticed a few changes. Instead of Princess being excited about being there, she’s a bit more clingy to me. She also fusses when I leave. I understand that kids go through behavioral changes all the time, so to me it’s no big deal. She’s usually ok, once the teacher calms her down. But sirens went off in my head the other day, as I was unpacking her diaper bag at the center.
I saw one of the girls push my baby girl to the floor! It totally threw me for a loop! Princess is probably the youngest in her class. She’s among babies who resemble line backers, and I’m not just referring to the boys. Some of the girls tower over her as well. Even though she’s within the 70th percentile for her age, some of the other babies are bigger and older. They’re stronger, have a much better balance, and say a few more words too.
When this baby girl knocked Princess to the floor, the teacher immediately helped her up. I knew she was ok because she didn’t cry and she had no bruises. I even snapped this pic just in case. You never know, I may need it for evidence. hehe.
All jokes aside, Princess was fine and continued to play with one of the toy strollers. Unfortunately, her time with it was short lived because the same girl tried to take it away from her. Princess looked up at me as if to say, “help me mommy!” I then said in a calm, but stern voice, “Excuse me! You guys have to share!” The little girl looked up at me with her arms out and said, “What?!” I repeated myself, and so did she. For a slit second she and I had a stare down, and then she walked away. I couldn’t believe my ears when she said “what?!” OMG! Am I really beefing with a toddler?
Anyway, the teacher didn’t intervene at this point. I guess it’s because it wasn’t that serious. Maybe she thought that I had it under control. Who knows? But, it did leave a bad taste in my mouth. It’s a weird situation. How do you discipline a toddler? This little girl is probably about 16 months old. I wasn’t trying to reprimand someone else’s child, but I had to say something. After all, my child was involved.
When I told my hubby about what happened, he said “this probably happens throughout the day, when you’re not around. Princess could also be the aggressor too!” He had a point because my baby girl is no push over. I would never encourage her to bully other kids, but I certainly will teach her to speak up for herself.
I’m sure this is not the first or the last time that Princess will have to deal with bullies. Despite this hiccup, I’m still happy with the daycare. I think Princess is too. But, I plan on bringing this up at the next meeting.
I don’t even want to think about possibly dealing with one when she starts going to regular school! I’d probably lose all my hair from stressing out! Was your child ever bullied? What would you do if your child was the aggressor?
Weather Anchor Mama
I think bullying is a learned behavior. This 16 month old might be a younger sibling so she’s used to her older brother/sister pushing her or taking stuff away from her. I would’ve brought this incident to the teacher’s attention just to let her know that I know what’s going on.
Cam has never been bullied, he’s been teased (about his birthmark) but never bullied. I worry about that a lot because he’s so passive.
I know, it’s so hard. My family is to blame for his birthmark. It runs in our family. Sorry:( I used to tell him that it makes him extra special to have that birthmark. I used to get teased about my eyes all the time. But, now it’s helped to separate me from other women.
As far as the daycare thing goes, I’ve got my eyes peeled! Thanks for the advice.
Awww this was hard to watch I’m sure! My 15 months old tussles at times back and forth as aggressor vs. victim when we’re at storytime/playdates. We usually just let her go with the flow since it’ll make her tougher but we do reprimand if we see her being too rough/not sharing etc.
BTW glad to see you on Babycenter yesterday – great post!
OK so like where is your husband during the day?, is he working?, is he at home? can he watch your child while you are working? Do you really need to have your child in daycare? ChildCARE is a risk that parents assume when they choose not to have a parent present to take care of their own children.