My baby girl has always been independent. Ever since I can remember, she’s been trying to do things on her own. From attempting to comb her hair to struggling to put on her socks and shoes. She tries to do it all on her own!
I noticed early on that she’s wanted to feed herself, so I let her have at it. Here she is at four months holding the bottle on her own!
She also mastered fingered foods by eight months.
Now at 14 months, she’s finally getting the hang of using the spoon.
It’s something we’ve been working on for months. Being from Jamaica, it’s tradition to learn to properly use a knife and fork. Princess still has a ways to go before getting accustom to that. But, she’s getting there! For now, we’ll continue to work on making her a pro with the spoon!
Weather Anchor Mama
Awww that’s too cute..miss independent indeed! She is getting so big!