I’ve struggled and researched long and hard about this decision. But, now I’m ready to take the plunge!
Transition to Natural

Raising Children to Weather the Storm
I’ve struggled and researched long and hard about this decision. But, now I’m ready to take the plunge!
I have been transitiong from relaxer to natual using individual braids/ singles for about a year now.I started transitioning because I was tired of damaging my hair with relaxers. Since I have been transitioning I have noticed that my hair have gotten thicker and I have been retaining lengh.
Good Luck!!!
I’m so excited for you! I wore a full-head of extensions for two years while I transitioned. My hair was damaged and short because of harsh water and years of relaxing. Two months ago I finally took out my extensions for good and I’m finally happy. I’m not going to lie. The first week was hell… the entire month was difficult because although I did months of research on caring for natural hair, I didn’t know what would truly work for me until I actually saw my hair texture and experimented with products. Fortunately, I found the natural hair community on Youtube and that helped me to stay the course the first week.
I have a few suggestions that should help your journey. First, figure out the best process for you re: transitioning. For me, I knew the “big chop” wouldn’t work because I don’t like short hair. Extensions, braids and lacefront wigs are good options. Braiding my hair and leaving it alone for two years then slowly cutting off the relaxed ends when I redid my extensions, worked well for me. Just make sure your stylist doesn’t braid your hair too tight.
Also, watch Naptural85 on Youtube. Her haircare techniques, in addition to her natural and organic approach to haircare, has helped me to not become a product junkie. There’s no need to spend a lot of time and money on products when you can make your own at home that work well on ALL hair types. And lastly, learn your hair type. Once I learned my hair type (see Andre Walker’s system, everyone on Youtube refers to it), it made my life soooo much easier. I have mostly 4C hair with some patches of 4B. My wash and go’s will always look like an afro. So, I’ve stopped looking for the magical product that will give me bouncy curls. If I want waves I have to create them (with twists or whatever) because I have kinky, not curly hair.
Two months have passed since I’ve fully transitioned and I’m really happy. My hair is finally as healthy as it was when I was 11 years old and pre-relaxer. Only now I’ve learned how to care for it and style it in age-appropriate ways. I have a feeling you’ll love your hair, too!
Thanks so much Anne35! The big chop won’t work for me either. I thought about wigs. I don’t think my job would like that. I know, it sucks! Besides, my hair really can’t take extensions. I found that out when I got tracks put in and my hair fell out. lol I’ll be sure to check out Naptural85! I need all the help I can get! I’m not quite sure what my hair type is. I don’t remember my hair having any curl to it. My mom is natural now and I have a similar hair type to hers. She still roller sets her hair. I’m so excited about this journey and scared at the same time. I can’t wait to see how my hair is.
Thanks LaTi! I feel the exact same way. What kind of hair products do you use?
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Sorry Anne35. Don’t know how your comment got removed:(
I was actually able to read your email after all! I didn’t realize Kim K wore wigs! I knew about Beyonce and Jessica Simpson, though. Wow! I have a while before I’ll need to start wearing a wig, but I’ll start looking. How can you use glue? Wouldn’t it damage your edges?
Congrats! Its not as hard as u think. Once u find out what works for u, it’ll be easy. One word of advice i have from experience is dont be discouraged. Its not easy in the beginning but dont give up. Its worth it in the end.
Thanks so much Nique!
YAY! I myself have transitioned, and I must tell ya, in the beginning it was a little difficult with the new growth, but once I figured out what shampoos and conditioners worked and didn’t work for me the entire process was ten times easier…:) I now only have maybe an inch or 2 of relaxer left… So it def gets easier, just keep at it.
Thanks for sharing. Congrats!! How long have you been transitioning? Will you cut the last couple inches?
Ah, man… I deleted the last message because I thought I was getting in your business too much and I didn’t want to stress you out about your options… What works for one person may not work for another. It really is a deeply personal choice. Sorry.
Regarding the glue: it can damage your edges if applied wrong or without using the skin protector. You’ll have to figure out what brand of glue works for your skin. Also, the wig hairline should fall below your actual hairline. Some women shave or pluck the stray hair if it is too far from the dense part of her hair. Oh, and about Kim K… she mostly wears extensions. I’ve only spotted one wig on her so far and that’s just because at the time I was obsessed with my own hairline.
No worries. I always appreciate all suggestions. I can’t try every single advice, but I do appreciate them. WIth my hairline, glue would be tricky. That’s such a sensitive area for me. If I were to ever wear a wig, I’d have to skip the glue. Yeah, I definitely knew about Kim wearing extensions and so does Courtney. hehe.
Wow, that’s great news. Good luck in your journey, I will for sure be following
Thanks so much Pegster!
Congratulations! I tried going natural but could not manage with the time commitment and age of my daughter at the time (she’s now 18 months but she was a newborn when I transitioned). I noticed the thinning too especially as we’re still breastfeeding and I feel like all my nutrients are being sucked right out of me! I eat a ton of protein, drink water, multivitamin, biotin etc but doesn’t make a difference. For the almost year I transitioned and did a big chop eventually I noticed the thickness of my hair and how healthy it was. I’m sure you’ll experience this too. I now have a short relaxed cut that I love, but I look forward to attempting to go natural again once I’m done having children so I can invest the time needed to maintain it. Looking forward to watching your journey!
I always said that I feel like there’s a parasite sucking all the nutrients from me, and it’s true! It really is a tough process. Has your hair falling out since you cut it? I don’t plan on doing the big chop, but I’ll trim a little at a time until I get to all natural. I anticipate it taking at least a couple years.
I am so happy for you. I have been natural for three years now. I really feel that “You Tube” helped keep me motivated. I have always had long hair and never wanted to cut it and I didn’t. My hair has always been well past my bra strap. It was hard trying to find people online that did not big chop. There was only one at the time that I was able to find and I followed her blog like we were bff’s. I was able to grow out my hair, and like i said I never cut it. When it was all natural and down my back, I had one inch of permed hair which I went to the salon and had them cut it off. I have had a wonderful experience and really enjoy doing my own hair and seeing my waves. ( They are sooo beautiful ). Good luck. It’s really not that hard. . . ;-D
I’m having some shedding still but not as much. I use a garlic shampoo in between going to the salon to help combat it and want to try a keratin-type treatment my hairdresser recommended so we’ll see if that helps!