My hubby, Princess, and I are out shopping for bed sheets. I ask the sales lady if they sell satin sheets. She says no. Then I ask if I can purchase them online. She says, “the only place I know that sells satin sheets is Victoria’s Secret.”
Then my hubby says to me, “Are satin sheets a sexual thing?”
I reply, “I don’t know.”
Now I’m really wondering are they? The only reason I want to get some is because I hear that satin pillows won’t pull out your hair. So I figure why not just get the whole set.
What do you think? Are satin sheets a sexual thing?
Weather Anchor Mama
LOL!! I can see why he said that because in slow jams, they will talk about laying down some satin sheets. I had a set once and I liked it during the summer. Now that you mentioned it, I think I will buy some again.
In the meantime just get the set lol
Haha, I think they have a reputation for being sexy but who says you can’t sleep on them 24/7/365?
I have never heard satin sheets are a sexual thing. I do know they are more gentle on hair than cotton sheets. Weren’t satin sheets big in the 80’s?
lol! They do? Where have I been? lol. Now I really want ’em!:)
I will! Now that I think about it, I’m wondering how it’ll feel in the summer. I guess we’ll have to crank the ac.
Me either. That’s why I wanted to ask. I hear that it’s gentle on your hair too. Did you ever buy them?
Oh Stacy- Ann, you are so “out of the loop” ! And I thought you were so hip! (LOL) don’t you know that satin sheets have this reputation as being sexy ?! That’s the talk,anyway. Not sure I understand what’s sexy about them, but I was never accused of being too hip either.
Bruce M.
Hey I just saw your comment on my blog. My daughter was a little over 2 when she lost her binky at the store and we just ended it cold turkey by telling her she lost it and it was gone forever. I wasn’t nursing her anymore of course but if you are it might be easier to stop with the binkies and use nursing as the comfort? I don’t know which is harder to wean from though, my girls only nursed a few months. Good luck!
Thanks so much for writing back. It’s so funny because my husband asked me this weekend when I plan on weaning. I said this summer. But, now that I think about it; how the heck am I supposed to do that? hehe. The cold turkey idea is probably the way to go for us too. I don’t know which is gonna be harder, the boobies or the binky. lol
Satin pillowcases/scarfs are easier on your hair…what I want to know is when did Victoria Secret start selling sheets?!?!?!
They did for years! I remember seeing it in catalogues back in the day. But, I wasn’t able to afford them then. It can be pretty pricey!
I had no idea Bruce. lol!! I don’t understand either. To be honest, I’m OCD when it comes to moisturizing (especially at night). I could only imagine how messy those satin sheets may get. lol
I use satin pillow cases for my kids. The don’t like their hair tied up so with the satin pillowcases it is less ahir rubbing off than with the cotton. I have never thought of satin equating to sex. If I were to think that way I would link silk to sexual. You learn something new everyday!
I thought of getting some for Princess. But, she ends up all over the bed. How do your girls stay on the pillow? i think your right about silk. hehe
That was really funny at some point. However, it is not necessary for satin to be a sexual thing, based from my experience though. It maybe just a misconception.
You can get the pillow cases at There are $15 for a set of 2.
You can get them online from JCPenny. I am thinking about buying a set.!
Word? Penny sells satin sheets? Will check it out!
Thanks! I was actually thinking out getting it for Princess. But, don’t know if it’s worth it. She sleeps all over the place. lol.