If my boobies could talk, they’d probably scream “enough already!” They’ve been working overtime these past couple years and it’s time for them to retire. That’s right! I’m finally ready to wean my baby.
The original plan was to breastfeed for a year. I wasn’t quite sure if I’d make it that far, but surprising I did. I’ve managed to overcome many obstacles including, the pain and dip in supply. I didn’t know who enjoyed it most- me or my daughter.
Since becoming a mom, I’ve struggled to find balance between career and motherhood. In addition to providing the best nutrients ever, nursing seemed to make up for lost times when I was away. It was great to have been able to bond with Princess. Up until her second birthday, she looked forward to “boobies.” She’d walk me into her TV/play room and tell me to sit down and go at it. For a while there I thought I’d be breastfeeding until whenever, but I’ve realized that my boobies have served its purpose. It’s time for my little girl to move on. The decision to go cold turkey wasn’t easy because when my baby girl wants something, she’s relentless.
I’ve known moms who’ve nursed until preschool age because they had trouble weaning. I decided that wasn’t the route I wanted to go. Believe me, if it were up to Princess she’d probably nurse until college. The sight of that alone freaks me out.
Anyway, I’m proud that we’ve made it two years. She’s cried when I told her “no” these past few days. Offering her something else she loves has seemed to curb those cravings. In the meantime, I’ll have fun bonding with her in many other ways. I’m gonna miss nursing my baby girl. Who knows, maybe my boobs will do a Jordan and come out of retirement. Baby number two may be just around the corner. We’ll see.
Please sure to check out my Breastfeeding Diaries.
Weather Anchor Mama
This post was refreshing. Up until now, I didn’t realize it was common to breastfeed children past one year old. Probably, because I am not a mother. However, I must admit I admire the commitment mothers who choose to breastfeed for an extended amount of time have. I’m wondering though if difficulties of weaning a child off it and separation anxiety are a sign of the child possibly having difficulty of finding their own way later on in life.
I suppose I may never know until I have my own kids. Good luck!
Thanks! I appreciate that. I’ve never heard that before. Interesting. I guess we’ll see.
Baby number 2? Are you trying to tell us something? Huh-huh??
I hope to breast feed for one year once our son arrives during the holidays. I’m terrified b/c I’ve heard so many stories about how it hurts so much. However, I am determined! Congrats on making it to the 2 year mark. Your Princess is beautiful 🙂
Stopping by from SITS 🙂