I’m 18 weeks pregnant and I have butterflies in my tummy. Most mom-to-be go through a bad case of morning sickness. But, my pregnancy journey hasn’t been quite that bad.
18 Weeks Pregnancy Symptoms
At 5 1/2 inches and 7 ounces, my little one is the size of a bell pepper. I must say this baby’s got spice. It’s been jumping around like crazy. According to the peeps at BabyCenter, the private parts are developing. Even though we can officially find out the sex of our baby, we’d rather wait until d-day. However, I did take a little test of my own which I posted on BabyCemter. Here it is, in case you missed it.
How I’m feeling: Finally, my appetite is increasing. I can still only handle very small meals at a time, otherwise I feel like exploding. Constipation has been a major issue. The exhaustion comes and goes, but I’m generally feeling just fine. I’m starting to see big changes in my body (obviously). I’m not a huge fan of maternity clothes. But, I’ve managed to resurrect some of my pregnancy tops, like the one you see pictured above.
You look marvelous ! ( but then again, you can’t help but to look marvelous!) have that wonderful pregnancy glow !
You look so cute, congratulations again.