Baby O’s Birth Story Part 1
Baby O’s Birth Story Part 2
After the OB came in to check to see if I had dilated any further, he broke my water. Once the amniotic fluid started to flow, that’s when the contractions grew stronger. I thought the technique I learned from the Lamaze class a few years back was supposed kick in. But, I completely forgot how to breathe!
Thank goodness I had a great nurse who reminded me. She took my hands and instructed me how to ‘he-he-hoo-hoo’ as my hubby stood by snapping photos and shooting video.
“Where’s the lady?” I wailed, referring to the anesthesiologist.
“She’ll be here soon,” the nurse replied.
It took everything in me not to curse. I remained on my best behavior and held it all in. (FYI, I’m still working on my potty mouth).
The anesthesiologist waltzed in talking about some mumbo jumbo, and took her sweet time preparing the epidural. My hubby was instructed to leave the room while they administered the drug.
“You can come back in 15 minutes,” the nurse told him.
He gave me a kiss and said he’d call our peeps with a quick update.
The doctor checked my dilation status again. I was expecting him to say that I had a few more centimeters left before I could begin pushing. But, it was the total opposite.
“She’s fully dilated,” he said cheerfully.
OMG! It was like déjà vu. This same thing happened right before I gave birth to Princess. I went from being a few centimeters dilated to being fully dilated right after they stuck me with that big fat needle.
We were ready to get the show on the road. Everyone assumed his or her positions. I had a nurse on each side holding my legs up in the stirrups while the doctor had the full frontal view.
Before I could begin pushing, I realized that my husband was M.I.A.
“Wait! Where’s my husband?” I asked.
Rather than answer the question, the nurse ran out of the room to look for him. When he finally resurfaced, I was relieved to see him. But, the beeyotch in me couldn’t help yelling,
“Where were you?”
“I was talking to my mom!” he answered.
“Did you call mine?” I asked.
“No. They said 15 minutes. I didn’t expect you to be pushing so soon.” he responded.
“You called your mom and didn’t call mine?” I yelled.
Here I am starting an argument when I should have been pushing. Thankfully the staff interrupted, and got us me back on track.
Unlike the first delivery, it didn’t seem like the epidural took effect. Aside from a slight numbness, I felt intense pain and pressure. It was like being constipated. At one point I yelled, “I think I have to go!”
They assured me that it was ok and I did the deed right there. I didn’t have time to care. I wanted this baby out!
“I need something for the pain. This hurts,” I moaned.
It’s as if the doctor didn’t give a crap ( no pun intended) or maybe he didn’t hear me. He just told me to push.
I mustered up the strength to push while my hubby continued to capture the special moment on camera.
I was so far gone I didn’t notice the med school students who came in to observe the delivery. I was too out of it to even question why I wasn’t notified that this would be used as a teaching session.
It didn’t take long to realize that this baby was not coming out as easily as the first. It was as if my vagina was shattering into pieces with every push. To help things along, the OB gave me an episiotomy. I knew this baby would be bigger, but jeez! I remember only a little tear during the first delivery.
I moaned and groaned with every cut. With just a few more snips and a couple more pushes, the doctor shouted that the head was out. I thought that he was just saying it to make me feel like we were almost at the finish line. But when I looked down, I saw my baby’s head. It took one last push, and Baby O was born.
Good job mom…he is so cute.