I’ve written about the silly things I do to get my baby to go to sleep on my BabyCenter blog. I thought I had it all covered. But, I recently figured out another cool way to get Baby O to nap. I dress him in a snowsuit for nap time!
Every morning when we drop Princess off at school, I dress her brother up nice and snug before strapping him in the car seat. Unlike most parents who unsnap and carry around that bulky car seat, I actually carry him around in my arms. I’m able to maneuver quickly with two kids in tow. I had been doing his all winter long, and realized that I struck gold. All you parents out there know exactly what I’m talking about. Sometimes we have to come up with silly ways to get our babies to sleep.
Our routine consists of homemade oatmeal and some organic gluten free puffs for breakfast, followed by a sippy cup filled with water. He usually enjoys some play time beforehand. The ride to school involves singing and playing animal clouds. Once we arrive, Princess’s classmates are pretty excited to see the kids, especially Baby O. By the time I load him in the car to return, he’s exhausted.

Baby O wide awake on our way to school.

Fast asleep by the time we arrive home.
He’s knocked in minutes. I’m able to place him in his crib in his snowsuit, and he usually naps for one to two hours. This method has been working like a charm for the past few months. But with temperatures getting warmer, you’d think I’d lose the snowsuit – NOT! Call me crazy, but I refuse to ditch it right now. We’ve left the house in 40 to 50 degree weather, and Baby has been rockin’ his snowsuit. I see other parents and faculty members looking at me with crazy eyes, but I don’t care. I guess I’ll retire once it reaches 60 and go back to the ‘cry it out method.’ I have to draw the line at some point, otherwise someone may accuse me of child abuse.
How do you get your kids to sleep? Would you consider my snowsuit idea crazy or cool?
Getting to sleep isn’t the issue for us – it’s getting Nia to stay in bed the whooooole night! We just upgraded her bed from a toddler to a twin and so far it’s slowly working . . . Also, definitely check out the Car Seat Lady (http://www.thecarseatlady.com) – she has some great tips for kids, coats and cars seats!
Thanks Quaina! I’ll check her out!
You could also send him into convulsions by allowing him to sleep in a snowsuit, if he even so much as had a teething lowgrade temperature.. Don’t believe me though, go read about it yourself.
Thanks Sandy. He’s fine. With the warmer temps, I wouldn’t dare attempt to have him sleep in a snowsuit. I have my limits. hehe
Not to mention it’s really unsafe to have that snowsuit on in a carseat. It adds puff so the restraints won’t do their job properly if you are, god forbid, in a car accident. I would refrain from doing this immediately.