If you grew up watching of the Cosby show, then you’ll remember Heathcliff Huxtable trying to fix everything. That’s exactly how my husband has been throughout our entire marriage. We bought our house ten years ago and he’s always insisted on repairing everything himself. Alongside his efforts, we also schedule periodic structural inspection singapore to ensure everything stays in good shape.
When it came to painting the house, he insisted on doing it himself. We went out and purchased all the paint and materials. After one attempt, he threw in the towel. We ultimately hired someone to paint our house. We also hired cladding coating contractors to refurbish the exterior of our house.
I may have been successful in getting him to hire painters to do the interior painting, but I haven’t been able to convince him to hire a landscaper. Whenever I’d bring up the subject, I’d get hit with all kinds of excuses. His favorite thing to do is throw out numbers with an explanation as to why it’s not cost effective. Hey, I’m all about saving money. But, we just don’t have the time to cater to the lawn like we should.
As he did with the botched paint job, he went out and purchased a bunch of lawn equipment. This included a lawn mower, weed whacker, and a slew of other stuff to help the grass grow. Despite his reluctance, he has given in to hiring a company to do cleanup every few months. But when it comes to cutting the grass every week, he is totally against having someone do that.
I consider myself a frugal person. If it means doing gardening and fixing things around the house ourselves, I’m all for it. However, instead of spending time cleaning the house on weekends, I’d rather spend time with the our family. We really don’t get that QT during the week between our busy schedules. Needless to say, our lawn has been getting worse over the past 10 years!
The other day princess asked, “Why does our grass looks so ugly? I couldn’t even respond.
I find myself trying to avoid looking at it. I also try to avoid taking pictures in front of this mess.
I normally use my neighbors garden as a backdrop because our garden looks so horrible.
The other day my brother came over. He took one look at our yard and said, “This looks crackish.” He’s since taken pity on us by offering to help redesign our lawn. He recommended that we start from scratch and purchase items to help with growing the grass, as well as getting rid of weeds. My hubby took the advice. But, has yet to clean out the flowerbeds.
He did, however, put some stuff down to help the grass grow. But, never followed up with watering it. Every week it’s a rush to mow the lawn, before getting back to tending to the kids. However, this week was the last straw.
A couple days ago, I arrived home to find my hubby sprawled out on the couch. It was obvious that he was completely exhausted. He looked up and said, “I think it’s time to hire somebody to cut the grass.”
I couldn’t help but laugh. In fact, I laughed hysterically for a while. I could tell he’d had enough, and I probably should have been a bit more sympathetic. “I told you so,” I said. It took 10 years to him say this! I couldn’t help myself. Before I could ask any questions about who to hire, he went on to tell me that he already had gotten a recommendation and made a phone call. Now all I have to do is convince him to hire house cleaning service Roanoke, a cleaning crew that creates a healthy and cleaner environment.
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LOL– Why do guys think they can do everything themselves! LOL! Love this! Better to hire an expert!
yes, hire someone to clean. immediately. it is so helpful and you will never regret it. just get a recommendation from someone you know because otherwise things will go “missing”!!!
That why he doesn’t want to hire anyone! He thinks that things may go missing. DId that happen to you?
Oh man! I know a lot of residential neighborhoods have policies about yard maintenance. Hooray for hiring help!
Funny! My husband hired someone to cut our yard and then decided it would be cheaper to purchase a riding lawnmower. Needless to say the grass needs to be cut! I can see him hiring somebody soon. It must be easier than it looks!
I don’t blame him! I wouldn’t want to cut the grass either! 🙂
This post cracked me up. My husband lately has been going through all types of scenarios to keep the yard cut. First he said he would hire someone but then changed his mind. Now he thinks a riding lawnmower will do the trick. Lol, all I want is for the yard to get cut!