It’s my first time trying a flexi rod set on my natural hair. For those of you who’ve been following my hair journey you know that braid outs have always been my go to hairstyle. But, I’ve been wanting to try something new now that my hair has grown past shoulder length when stretched.
I purchased about seven bags of flexi rods from the local beauty supply store in different sizes. I mostly bought the longer ones because I plan on using them on a semi regular basis. As my hair continues to grow, I like having the option of switching things up.
After I shampooed and deep conditioned my hair, I applied coconut oil and Shea Moisture’s Curl Enhancing Soufflé. I separated my hair into small sections, detangled, and added the flexi rods. Here’s how my hair looked after the flexi rod set.
I actually ran out of them and had to make bigger sections. The process took about an hour, which is about the same time I spend on my braidouts.
My hubby and I had plans to take the kids to see the fireworks display, so I wondered if it would dry in time. I ended up spending 15 minutes under the hooded dryer, after a few hours of letting it air dry. Then I removed the flexi rods and separated each section for added volume. Check out the end result.
Not bad for my first try. I did notice that there wasn’t a lot of curl definition. The roots were a little puffy. By the end of the night my curls had transformed into a puffs. The humidity was to blame. I’m gonna play around with different styling products the next go round. I may use gel for a stronger hold and give my hair more time to dry. Despite a few hiccups, I think it turned out okay.
I like the way it turned out! Good job!!!
I suggest using skinnier flexi rods for more defined curls and starting a two strand twist before wrapping the hair around the flexi rods to stretch your roots and reduce the puffiness but it looks pretty! Bantu knots are also pretty on hair your length
Its looks great but you should use smaller rollers on the next go round
Wait, did you mean Curl Enhancing Smoothie? That product in humidity is a no-go. I live in Florida and it’s okay for braids and twists, but for out-styles the results are sticky and poofy. I’d love to see how it comes out with a gel or setting lotion!
I want to try curlformers